Let's face it, we’re conditioned to love that sun-kissed look.

But the harsh truth is that that glow we so covet is actually just evidence that we have damaged our skin. a healthy glow is gorgeous.

If you follow me on Instagram, or you’ve visited me in clinic, I’ve probably bored you to tears chatting on about SPF. And for good reason!

Wearing a good, factor 30+ SPF daily isn’t just about avoiding lobster skin on those rare British Summer sunny days (though that's a definite perk!). Daily sunscreen use is your secret weapon for fighting ageing. It is THE BEST defence against wrinkles, dark spots, and all the not-so-fun signs of skin ageing.

Here's the lowdown. Every day….whether it’s sunny, rainy or cloudy, the sun blasts us with ultraviolet (UV) rays. There are two main types of UV:

UVA rays penetrate deep into the skin, damaging skin cells and contributing to wrinkles and uneven skin tone. They essentially accelerate skin ageing.

UVB rays cause sunburn.

That's where sunscreen steps in!

There are two types of SPF: chemical and mineral (also called physical).

Chemical sunscreens absorb UV rays and convert them into heat, which is then released from the skin.

Mineral/physical sunscreens, on the other hand, sit on top of the skin, reflecting UV rays away like a tiny shield.

Both are great options, depending on your preferences and skin type, so pick the one that feels best on your face, that you’re happy to use EVERY DAY – some people find chemical sunscreens feel lighter, while others prefer the hypoallergenic properties of mineral sunscreens. It’s a case of horses for courses.

If you’re struggling to find one you like, I have a whole range in clinic and can recommend loads you can pick up in your local Boots or Superdrug, so drop me a line if you need a hand. Or check out my Skin Shop.

Now, for the sunscreen superhero routine:

  • Make it a habit! Apply sunscreen as the final step in your skincare BEFORE your makeup. Even on cloudy days. UVA rays can get through clouds, so your skin still needs protection.

  • Two fingers up! To get sufficient coverage, you need two finger lengths of sunscreen to get the protection level stated on the package.

  • Apply, apply, apply! Sunscreen wears off, so reapply every two hours, or more often if you're sweating or swimming. Heliocare do a handy SPF spray that’s great for topping up your SPF over makeup.

  • Don't forget the sneaky spots! Ears, neck, lips, tops of feet and hands – they all need sun protection too.

With a little daily SPF love, you can keep your skin healthy, glowing, and youthful for years to come.

Plus, you'll have the peace of mind knowing you're doing your part to prevent skin cancer.

So, slather on that sunscreen, everyday. And go enjoy the rare British sunshine – safely!


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